what i did on 9/11/04 posted 9/11/04
i participated in exercising my 2nd amendment rights by going to the range today.

this is a 1 inch target, and it really has 10 .22 caliber holes in it, but the whole top of the target was shot off, and didn't come with the part i cut off. this is a 15 yard, offhand pistol group of about 3/4 inch. and yes, i am bragging

this is a 3 inch target, shot from the bench at 50 yards with my .22 caliber ruger 10/22 in a mild (less than 5 knots) right to left breeze. this target contains the traces of 30 rounds. or, i shot 30 rounds at this target, and all went somewhere inside this 3 inch circle.

and my son was not to be outdone, and here is one of his 3 inch targets. this was at 15 yards, offhand, with a .22 caliber pistol. this is 30 rounds. not bad.

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